Monday, June 8, 2009

What Time Do the Walkers Start?

Not surprisingly, there is some confusion as to what time the walkers start for both the Full and Half Marathons. This is the first year we’ve done Marathon Walkers on the full course, so it’s added a little twist to things. I’ll tackle it one at a time and see if it helps.

Half Marathon Walkers start at 6 am just like everyone else doing the Half Marathon. There is no early start of any kind for the Half Marathon. You don’t even need to register as a “walker” for the Half Marathon because everyone starts at the same time. Everyone in the Half Marathon has 6 ½ hours to finish the course.

Marathon Walkers start at 5 am. Marathon Walkers MUST REGISTER as Marathon Walkers because that’s how we know you’re starting at 5 am. Why do you care? Because if you don’t register as a walker, and you start at 6 am like everyone else, and you finish in 7 ½ hours which is 1:30, the finish line will be closed… shut down… gone… and you won’t get an official time. When you register as a Marathon Walker, you will need to be there right at 5 am because whether you start at 5 or 5:10 or 5:20, you will be marked down as starting at 5 am.

We are very excited about having the course open long enough for the full marathon course this year, and are thrilled to have so many trainees and people participating as walkers, whether it be the Half Marathon or the Full Marathon.

Thank you for walking the Missoula Marathon and Half Marathon!

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