Thursday, January 14, 2010

Moose Drool is Safe for the Missoula Marathon!

The first phone call after the recent announcement of the Missoula Marathon's Best Overall award from Runner's World Magazine, was to sponsor Big Sky Brewing. Big Sky Brewing is the local brewery famous for Moose Drool, among other varieties (go to to see all that they offer). Big Sky Brewing has been a sponsor of the Missoula Marathon starting back at the beginning, when there weren't as many registrants and therefore not that much beer drinking.

We recognize the importance of a great glass of beer after a long race in the middle of a Montana summer. Big Sky Brewing combines with The Badlander bar to make sure that everyone from the first half marathon runner to the last marathon finisher has the opportunity to receive that all-important free beer. So with the announcement of the award we thought, "What if we run out of beer?"

Big Sky Brewing immediately responded with -- enthusiasm and more beer. So no worries. The Moose Drool is safe. Not to be exclusionary, The Badlander will gladly sell additional beer to any (adult) athlete, family or friend enjoying a summer day in Montana while relaxing in Caras Pavilion.

Thank you Big Sky Brewing for being part of the Missoula Marathon.

1 comment:

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